Do your best work

It’s nice to see everyone trying to help and do something about this virus, but I honestly don’t think we can change much by posting more stuff on social networks.

Now is the time when we need our governments, doctors, and scientists doing their best work ever, so let’s cut the shit, the noise, and the narcissism and let them focus on the job.

The best way to help is to keep doing our work, whatever it is, in the best way possible. We need to stop checking our newsfeed every five minutes and companies need to stop trying to leverage this as a marketing opportunity. Fuck all that.

So today, when sitting at home with your work laptop, write the best fucking piece of code you ever wrote and reply to that email with a damn literary masterpiece. Whatever it is what you do, do it with pride, and deliver something great. Good things will follow, and we will soon be out of this shitstorm.

I’m cutting the cord on social networks for a while but will see you around here. Stay home, wash your hands, and take care of each other.
