The invisible traits

I’m often labeled an asshole because I question everything. People who don’t know me think I don’t give a fuck, but it’s the opposite. I care so deeply it kinda hurts.

It’s not about being right or proving a point; it’s about refusing to accept broken things as normal and settling for half-assed solutions. I can’t stay quiet.

My wife tells me to pick my battles, but I can’t. I get obsessive when I see shit that could be better, and sometimes everything feels worth fighting for.

At the same time, I’m also the one who questions perfection and pushes to make things happen faster. I see endless iterations as another form of mediocrity.

So yeah, I’m that asshole who questions everything while trying to be pragmatic, which is weird as fuck as these traits usually don’t go together, but they’re both essential parts of who I am.

Some see it as being difficult, and I understand why. But my battles aren’t against people; they’re against complacency and the easy way out. Still, I often forget that not everyone shares my intensity.

While I don’t think I’ll ever master the art of picking battles, I’m learning to pause, let things sting for a bit, and buy time to ensure I’m pushing back for the right reasons.

While not perfect, pausing helps a little. Intensity matters a lot, but pausing helps with understanding its reasons.

[Photo by Sam Quek on Unsplash]