Do Nothing

We’ve been told time must be “invested” or “spent wisely.” Even free moments get hijacked by the guilt of productivity – learning something, working on side projects, or “catching up” on errands.

Find time to do nothing. Not the fake nothing where you scroll through your phone while half-watching Netflix. Real nothing. Staring at something, watching people go by. Letting your mind wander. Sitting in silence.

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Comfortable is OK

The next promotion, the next chance to earn more, gain influence, or power. Ambition is just another measure of worth at work. If you’re not ambitious, someone else will snatch your job away.

We’ve been fed this bullshit for years. Being comfortable is seen as laziness. We stigmatize those who reject the corporate ladder, ignoring that they might be the ones who truly understand what it means to have enough—something you’re never taught growing up.

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