Comfortable is OK

The next promotion, the next chance to earn more, gain influence, or power. Ambition is just another measure of worth at work. If you’re not ambitious, someone else will snatch your job away.

We’ve been fed this bullshit for years. Being comfortable is seen as laziness. We stigmatize those who reject the corporate ladder, ignoring that they might be the ones who truly understand what it means to have enough—something you’re never taught growing up.

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Embrace Risk

Learn to accept risks and live by them. Removing every possible risk results in bland, uninspired work that aims to offend no one.

De-risking everything makes you ship average shit. The fear of failure and making mistakes leads to a culture where safety and mediocrity become the norm. You’re left with something so sanitized that it fails to compete, yet you think it is great.

You should be embracing risks, not removing them.

Read full post “Embrace Risk”

Call Dibs

If you find something broken, ask ‘why’ instead of ‘who’. Then, fix it and move on.

‘Who’ involves blame and diverts energy from progress. Instead of indulging in ego, channel your efforts into the repairs.

Taking responsibility in silence is a testament to leadership and sets a precedent for others.

Read full post “Call Dibs”

Don’t be a menu

Korean Menu

You weren’t hired to be a menu; you were hired to make things happen. Presenting multiple solutions to every problem doesn’t move things forward; it just creates noise and unnecessary debate.

If you’re at a restaurant, options are great. But when you know the best approach, offering bogus choices is just plain stupid. You know what to do, so stop waffling around.

Read full post “Don’t be a menu”