Empathy Saves
As I was walking around downtown the other day, this graffiti caught my eye.
Roughly translated, it says:
As I was walking around downtown the other day, this graffiti caught my eye.
Roughly translated, it says:
I’ve found a reference to this video in Shawn Blanc’s blog the other day and loved how it explains the difference between the two concepts.
It is fascinating to watch as a reminder, especially because planning is comfortable, and we tend to do too much of it. Read full post “A plan is not a strategy”
Speaking of A/B tests, Apple has a pretty good set of tools to test (and optimize) your app’s App Store page. They call them «test treatments», and you can use them to test different versions of your App’s screenshots to see what drives more downloads.
Read full post “A/B testing your app icon”Back in the days when I worked in consulting, most folks on my team (myself included) were tired, burned out, and fed up with working nights and weekends. Read full post “We’re not saving lives here”
A/B testing is instrumental in measuring anything that a computer can count. It’s great to measure simple actions, such as a user tapping a button or conversions, but you shouldn’t base long-term product decisions on these results.
Read full post “A/B test your design, not your product.”One of the best features of SwiftUI is being able to preview your code during development, but did you know that you can also use SwiftUI to preview your old-fashioned UIKit ViewControllers and Views?
Here’s how…
Read full post “Live preview for your UIKit views”Back in November 2020, and after a few long conversations, we decided to sell everything we owned and move to Spain. Between preparations, paperwork, and a long garage sale we finally got here last week, with just a few suitcases and both our pets, Tesla and Oli. Read full post “Hello Spain! 🇪🇸”
Most of our apps rely on network calls to work, and thanks to URLSession and Codable, consuming REST APIs has become a lot easier these days. That said, we are still writing quite a bit of code to deal with async calls, JSON encoding and decoding, HTTP error handling, and more.
Read full post “Writing a Networking Library with Combine, Codable and Swift 5”I’ve been with Automattic for some time, and it’s been a fantastic ride. Since I joined, people have asked me about the hiring process, so I decided to write about my experience. Read full post “Getting a job at Automattic”
If you are using Transformable properties in CoreData, there is a chance (probably when dropping iOS 12 support) that you eventually face compiler warnings about your model properties not using secure Value transformers. While figuring this out, I decided to write a post, so here it is.
Read full post “CoreData Transformable and NSSecureCoding in iOS 13+”